This challenge is not about time or victory; instead, it seeks timelessness and beauty. It’s about creating music, but it shares many parallels with swimming. Musicians and other performing artists know the feeling of stepping up, being exposed in front of a waiting crowd, and diving in.
Yet for classical pianist Jeeyoon Kim, who is comfortable on stage but not on the blocks, there was no dive. She showed up at the 2013 Spring Nationals without having practiced that part.
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Melissa Hatheway, B.M.E. July 2014
In many states across the country, marching band can serve as a substitute for traditional physical education courses. These ensemble-based classes are taught by band directors, who are certified to teach K-12 Music. However, these teachers are not certified in physical education, despite being in charge of a class that provides students with P.E. credit. This disparity can also be seen within the K-12 Music teacher certification tests, which do not provide the public …
View Permalink ShareSports scientists could help musicians and other artists endure the stresses of their craft.
(Inside Science) — They endure long hours of oft strenuous practice. The way to get better is to practice more, even when injured. For hours at a time, their hearts can beat at 65 percent of their maximum rate. Injuries are common, and there’s always someone waiting to take your spot.
Life in the arts can be tough.
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Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) statement on Wellness in Music Teaching:
“Arts for health’s sake,” from The Lancet, Vol. 383, March 29, 2014:
View here: Arts for Health’s Sake – Lancet 3-29-14
Artists’ Health Care Task Forces’ 1994 Report to Congress
The following is an excerpt from the report (pp 11-18):
Report to Congress 1994
Fact sheet from Exercise is Medicine, from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM):
Exercise is Medicine