Author Archive

A Finer Pointe: Visualizing the ankle’s response to ballet’s toughest task

The use of detailed orthopedic imaging to examine dancers’ ankles while in the en pointe position offers insight into the biomechanical demands associated with a position that, although highly unnatural, is nevertheless essential to a ballerina’s performance.
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Boston’s Arts Revival and Athletes and the Arts

The City of Boston’s innovative BOSTON CREATES,  a cultural plan for the city, includes a planned Artist First initiative.  “Boston’s artists of all disciplines, ages, and backgrounds are central to Artists First Initiative. This initiative will address artists’ occupational health needs, professional development, affordable artist space, fair trade, and compensation.”   Learn more

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Female Athlete Triad

The female athlete triad (Triad) refers to the interrelationships among energy availability, menstrual function, and bone mineral density, which may have clinical manifestations including eating disorders, functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, and osteoporosis. With proper nutrition, these same relationships promote robust health.  This can be an issue for both sport athletes and performing artists, especially dancers.

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Insight Newsletter

Quarterly updated newsletters from the National Center for Drug Free Sport which include current topics around sport athlete drug and supplement use. Many of these issues are applicable to performing artists as well. The below link takes you to the website with the updated newsletters.
Visit the National Center for Drug Free Sport website
Specific articles of interest noted below:
-Pain killer and prescription drug overuse.
Insight pain killer article
-Kratom, A High Risk Supplement
-An Update on E-cigarettes
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Athletes and the Arts Gear

Show your support for Athletes and the Arts! Check out our new gift shop for shirts, hats, mugs and more!
Click to shop

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AATA Ambassador – Kathryn Morgan

Kathryn Morgan began studying ballet at age three at Mobile Ballet in her hometown of Mobile, Alabama. She attended the summer program at the School of American Ballet in 2004 and enrolled as a full time student that fall. Kathryn joined New York City Ballet as an apprentice in June of 2006 and became a member of the corps de ballet of the Company in February of 2007. In October 2009, Kathryn was promoted to soloist. Kathryn left the company due …

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Athletes and the Arts Overview – One Page Fact Sheet

ATHLETES AND THE ARTS links the communities of sport athletes and performing artists through collaborative exchange and programs focusing on wellness, training and performance research. ATHLETES AND THE ARTS recognizes that many performers are athletes whose health and performance can benefit from knowledge, programs and techniques developed for sport athletes.

Download the Athletes and the Arts General Handout

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NOMC Safe Sounds Poster

Download the NOMC Safe Sounds Poster – SoundSense Pstr NOLA

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