AATA Ambassador – Kathryn Morgan

Kathryn Morgan began studying ballet at age three at Mobile Ballet in her hometown of Mobile, Alabama. She attended the summer program at the School of American Ballet in 2004 and enrolled as a full time student that fall. Kathryn joined New York City Ballet as an apprentice in June of 2006 and became a member of the corps de ballet of the Company in February of 2007. In October 2009, Kathryn was promoted to soloist. Kathryn left the company due to an autoimmune illness in 2012. She has since regained her health and currently performs, teaches, and speaks around the country, runs two highly successful YouTube channels, has her own app, and is currently working on many other exciting projects.

Why I support Athletes and the Arts

Health is such an important part of being a dancer. Your body is your instrument, so if you don’t take care of it, you can’t perform at your best. I love inspiring dancers of all ages with my story. It is so important to me to not only be an example to them as a positive role model but to encourage them to follow their own dreams. I am living proof that you don’t have to be unhealthfully thin to be a successful dancer. Nothing is worth starving yourself over. That is why Athletes in the Arts is such a special organization. Keeping yourself healthy, no matter what your profession, will help you have a long and happy career.



Learn more from Kathryn at www.kathrynmorganonline.com



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