Health Care

Athletes and the Arts: Expand Your Influence

American Academy of Pediatrics: Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness
“Athletes and the Arts: Expand Your Influence”
By Randall Dick, FACSM
Performing artists are athletes. Just like sport athletes, they
-Practice or perform almost every day
-Play through pain
-Compete in challenging environments
-Experience little “off season”
-Face extreme competition
-Risk the temptation of substance abuse
-Face real risk of career-threatening injury
Read the full article on pages 9-11 of the Fall 2013 COSMF Newsletter from the American Academy …

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New Musicians Performance Pain Symptom Monitor

Athletes and the Arts in collaboration with PAMA (Performing Arts Medicine Association), and New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic & Assistance Foundation have developed a new tool to monitor musicians performance pain.  Musicians are strongly encouraged to complete this form to aid in their care.
Performance Pain Symptom Monitor (scroll to the bottom of the page that opens to find the performance pain symptom monitor)

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Are performing artists athletes?

WATCH this video and decide for yourself  (click the image to open and play the video)


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Athletes and the Arts – The Role of Sports Medicine in the Performing Arts

“Athletes and the Arts – The Role of Sports Medicine in the Performing Arts”
Dick, Randall W. MS, FACSM; Berning, Jacqueline R. PhD, RD, CSSD; Dawson, William MD, BS, FAAOS; Ginsburg, Richard D. PhD; Miller, Clay MD, MFA, PMR; Shybut, George T. MD
Published in Current Sports Medicine Reports, November/December 2013, Volume 12, Issue 6, p. 397-403.
Performing artists are athletes. Like athletes, performing artists practice and/or perform most days with little off season, play through pain, “compete” in …

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The Affordable Care Act: What it means for artists of all disciplines

The national health care reform law known as the Affordable Care Act, has several nicknames such as the ACA and ObamaCare. The law used Massachusetts’ landmark 2006 health care reform law as one of its key templates*. This is a three part blog post focusing on the ACA. The first two parts share important information and web links about the ACA as it pertains to individuals and families. The focus of the third part is to highlight how …

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