Health and Safety in the Arts Program

Health and Safety in the Arts in Cuba Program

Havana, Cuba January 24 – January 31, 2016

Sponsored by:

The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Health in the Arts Program


Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA)

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to visit Cuba and have personal experiences with outstanding members of Cuba’s arts culture, while learning about the health issues faced by these professional artists. Participants will engage backstage with the Cuban National Ballet, National Symphony, Buena Vista Social Club, and other treasured members of the Cuban arts world.

This is a very special trip. For the first time in over 50 years, we are able to visit Cuba on a “people to people” license which allows all those who are interested in learning about health and safety (H&S) issues in the arts to join us. This means that interested spouses and family can join us this year.

PAMA and UIC staff will be present to guide the experiences. They will ensure that participants at all levels are able learn about health issues related to work in the arts and participate in hands-on workshops with artists.

Past attendees have included international experts in the treatment and prevention of occupational disorders in the arts. Many have returned repeatedly and are willing to share their impressions with prospective participants.

Space is limited so sign up now to save your place! 

The program in Cuba includes plans for:

• Behind-the-scenes access to performance spaces, studios and teaching facilities.

• Meetings and discussions with Cuban artists and arts leaders about H&S issues.

• Discussions with Cuban healthcare professionals and Public Health leaders.

• Formal discussions by participant experts on prevention and treatment in the arts.


All those who are interested in health and safety in the arts in Cuba


Dave Hinkamp, MD, MPH

University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health, Health in the Arts Program


Julie Massaro

Executive Director, PAMA

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