Athletes In The Arts Steering Committee Meeting Summary – October 3rd, 2009

Initial focus of Initiative
1. Performing Arts (First priority)
i. Musicians
ii. Conductors
iii. Singers
iv. Music Instruments
v. Marching Band

2. Fine Arts (subsequent priority)
i. Visual Arts/Graphics
ii. Theatre Arts

Subgroups of Performing Artists to address
a. Professionals and Amateurs
b. Indigent/Needy Professionals
c. Youth/those in training
d. Teachers
e. Parents
f. Medical Professionals (provide info to Doctors about prevention and healthcare for musicians)
g. Admins/Governing agencies (NASM,MENC,music groups)
h. Managers of professional musicians
i. American Fed Musicians Union
j. Advocates (MusiCares, Grammy, etc)
American Music Therapy, Public Health Orgs, State Wide Music ommisions, National Association of Music Manufactreres, Gibson Foundation, Remo Billi, DASH-Division Adolecents and Student Health CDC, MENC- Marching Bands-Health and Safety affiliated with Dept. of Education, Texas Music Commission (Casey Monahan), Get retailers involved-Guitar Center, Mike Huckabee
Also see Kris Chesky advocate list

Main issues
a. “Return to Play”
b. Injury Prevention (proper techniques-ergonomics)
c. Performance Enhancement
d. General Wellness
e. Health Insurance
f. Injury Treatment(national resource list)
g. Social/emotional wellness (substance abuse)
h. Health promotion

Exercise Concepts for Musicians
Aerobic training
Endurance Trainng
Muscular endurance
Rest and Recovery
Traveling and Jet Lag
Diet and Nutrition and Hydration
Music concepts for Athletes
-Dissociation-focus (ipod usage)
– Arousal regulation-stimulate or calm

Prioritization of Health Issues
– return to play
– performance enhancement
– general wellness
– injury treatment
– social/emotional wellness
– injury prevention
Health Promotion-Injury Prevention-Injury Treatment-Performance Enhancement (4 buckets)
Health Promotion
1. Exercise is Medicine
2. Hearing Loss
3. Biomechanics/Ergonomics/Best practices
-whole body
4. Mental Health
– Imagery
– Performance anxiety
5. Synthesize existing information in bullets/common language
6. Lifestyle Management
-Diet and Nutrition
Travel /jet lag
7. Avoid Misuse-Avoid Abuse

Injury Prevention
1. Overuse
2. Cross Training
3. Recovery time/rest
4. Warmup / Warmdown
5. Ergonomics modifications (redesign instruments)
6. Environmental Issues
-Change the environment for performance

Injury Treatment-Standard Practices (see injury treatment by subgroup spreadsheet)
1. Facial
-vocal chords
– mandible
– laryngeseal
jaw/facial messages

2. Hand/Wrist
3. Whole Body
1. shoulder
2. back/feet
3. lower body
4. skin
5. Vital Capacity
4. Mental Health
5. Return to Play
1. Time
2. Standards and practices for progression
a. Athletic trainers/PT
3. Insurance Issues
a. None available
b. Don’t get paid enough to stay out of work
4. Risk Management-independent contractors
Performance Enhancement
1. Train as an athlete to enhance musical performance
a. Aerobic and anaerobic
b. Mental
c. Care
d. Muscular skeletal balance
e. Biofeedback
f. Quantify performance enhancement
2. Train as a musician to help athletic performance
a. Rhythm
b. Breath control
3. Awareness and analysis=skill development techniques

Hearing Loss
a. Video (teachers)
b. Educational goals/objectives
c. NASM Accreditation standard
d. Hearing screenings

1. John Snyder-website
2. Printed Material
3. Share presentation opportunities

1. Video Clips
2. Subject matter experts (Dr. Richard Spector-Otolaryngologist)
-standard care on specific issues
3. Ergonomics Issues
-head, wrist/hand, whole body, mental health
4. Real time feedback (device to measure sound in room)
5. Continuing Education

Research/Data (research roundtable)
1. Performance enhancement
2. Injury prevention
a. Ear plugs
3. Epi

Policy (Consistent health and safety messages across all groups)
Musicians Access to Knowledgeable Health Care
Create a knowledgeable medical group (through various medical groups) and make sure that musicians are comfortable going to a doctor. Try to provide quick affordable medical treatment
– Quick affordable access (Regular wellness)
– Qualified, knowledgeable resources that know musician issues.
– General HealthCare issues
– Specific Musicians Issues
o Athletic trainer services-music as well as sports
o Use successful examples of treatments/prevention as examples..
*Certification-credential for health care provider
*preparticipation-exam as a source of education (Physicians use PPE to address music specific issues (Hearing, others) as musicians come in for annual physical)

Create collaborative structure
Marketing plan (Grammy Association, MENC)

*Integrate the science of wellness sports medicine and music to mutually benefit both areas.
To get to musicians-TALK TO MANAGERS about WELLNESS issues

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